Torrent de Malls

Entry name Torrent de Malls


Aquarist: Cebria Farre

Country: Espanha

Category: Melhor Aquário Estrangeiro 2018

Edition: CBAP 2018


Torrent de Malls
Aquarium information

Volume: 128 liters

Dimensions: 80 x 40 x 40 cm (L x W x H)

Building time: 6 months

Filtering: Eheim 2224 Professional

Lightning: Focus HQI 70 Watts X2

Substrate: Help Avanced Soil



Maintenance: Eight hours of daylight. Fertilizers: Seachem: Flourish, Flourish Excel, Flourish Trace and Flourish Advance. Two weekly water changes 30%. Water temperature 25ºC. CO2, four bubbles per second.

Entry's grades

"It is so regretting that the water look cloudy."

- Wai Sun Chow

"If the aquascaper intend to distribute the stone like this, it is OK, as I notice that the distribution have consider the perspective relation, only the stone on the foreground could distribute more natural."

- Gary Wu