Caminhos do Sanhauá

Entry name Caminhos do Sanhauá


Aquarist: cliverton silva

City (State): JOAO PESSOA (PB)

Position: 14

Category: Categoria Aquário Plantado até 65 litros

Edition: CBAP 2019


Caminhos do Sanhauá
Aquarium information

Volume: 37.8 liters

Dimensions: 45 x 30 x 28 cm (L x W x H)

Building time: 65 dias months

Filtering: canister fvm

Lightning: luminária sarmento 60w. fotoperíodo de 12h

Substrate: seachem flourite red, ADA Amazonia e areia cosmética mbreda



Maintenance: tpa 2x por semana e aplicação de bio bacter , fertilização diaria powerfert linha completa N,P,K ,MICRO E FERRO

Entry's grades

"There is a sense of incongruity because there are stem plants that have just been planted,and more smaller fish will match this scape. The arrangement of the rocks is great and the composition is organized,so if you pay attention to these things,it will be a better work."

- Takayuki Fukada

"Bonito acuario en menos de 40 litros. Creo que puede lucir más bello y mostrar todo su potencial con las rotalas abiertas y los peces en una posición más elevada."

- Juan Puchades Rufino