Green mountain

Entry name Green mountain


Aquarist: Adrian Asaftei

Country: Romênia

Category: Melhor Aquário Estrangeiro 2021

Edition: CBAP 2021


Green mountain
Aquarium information

Volume: 160 liters

Dimensions: 100 x 40 x 40 cm (L x W x H)

Building time: 6 months

Filtering: 2 x Tetratec EX1200

Lightning: Week Aqua Phoenix D 90

Substrate: Prodibio Growt Soil



Maintenance: Herbaquatic

Entry's grades


It's not flashy at all, but I like it because it has a very natural and soothing layout. It's like taking a photo without over-illuminating and looking at the beautiful scenery in the natural light of the afternoon. The beautiful white rocks are covered with plants too much, so if expose the rocks a little more and give them a presence, the impression will be even better.


- Takayuki Fukada