December Storms

Entry name December Storms


Aquarist: Rafael Valim

City (State): indaiatuba (SP)

Team: BAU - Brazilian Aquascaping Union

Position: 5

Category: categoria Aquário Plantado acima de 200l

Edition: CBAP 2021


December Storms
December Storms
December Storms
Aquarium information

Volume: 243 liters

Dimensions: 120 x 45 x 45 cm (L x W x H)

Building time: 8 months

Filtering: 2x Eheim 2215 with Bio Rio.

Lightning: 2x ADA RGB.

Substrate: ADA Power Sand L, ADA Aqua Soil Amazonia, ADA Bacter 100, ADA Turmaline BC.



Maintenance: Diario: ADA Green brighty neutral K ADA Brighty nitrogen ADA Brighty Mineral As vezes: ADA ECA ADA green gain TPA: 1x por semana 1/4 volume total.

Entry's grades

"A radiation type hardscape arrangement. Try to define a dominant plant on the layout could enhance the focus point."

- Gary Wu

"The arrangement of wood are very good, like to see the power of nature are coming out from the centre!"

- Dave Chow