Forest of Inspiration

Entry name Forest of Inspiration


Aquarist: Flavio Freitas


City (State): Rio de Janeiro (RJ)

Team: GCAqua - Grupo Carioca de Aquapaisagismo

Position: 9

Category: Categoria Aquário Plantado 2018 – acima de 65 litros até 200 litros

Edition: CBAP 2018


Forest of Inspiration
Forest of Inspiration
Aquarium information

Volume: 189 liters

Dimensions: 120 x 45 x 35 cm (L x W x H)

Building time: 6 months

Filtering: 2 Canister em linha, total de 2.000 litros por hora

Lightning: LEDs – 216 watts

Substrate: Tourmaline BC, Clear Super, Power Sand M, Pó ativador MBREDA, Amazônia MBREDA e areia branca fina.



Maintenance: 35 PPM CO2, limpeza com sifonagem semanal e TPA de 50%. Fertilização diária com Estimative Index formulação RCFlora Pedras e troncos como hardscape

Entry's grades

"Overall are very good but the depth of right hand side should need to improve a little bit."

- Wai Sun Chow

"When facing this kind of forest type layout with a lot of branches there, I always think of how to maintain in long run or the creator just want to take the photo."

- Gary Wu

"Un gran esfuerzo para conseguir recrear un bosque inundado. Enhorabuena, tan sólo los puntos de fuga pudiesen haber sido mejor ejecutados."

- Juan Puchades Rufino