
Entry name Shizen


Aquarist: Denis Assao

City (State): São Bernardo do Campo (SP)

Position: 16

Category: Aquário Plantado 2018 – até 65 litros

Edition: CBAP 2018


Aquarium information

Volume: 43.75 liters

Dimensions: 50 x 25 x 35 cm (L x W x H)

Building time: 8 meses months

Filtering: Eheim Liberty 75. Mídias: Sera Siporax Mini.

Lightning: Chihiros A501.

Substrate: ADA Power Sand Special S, ADA Aquasoil Amazonia.



Maintenance: TPA´s a cada 2 dias 30% a 40%, fertilização linha completa Flourish Seachem, fotoperíodo 7h.

Entry's grades

"Need more inspiration!"

- Wai Sun Chow

"The middle ground red plant no matter on color and leave shape is not match with other, try use smaller leaf shape with smaller bunch instead."

- Gary Wu