
Entry name Together


Aquarist: Tassio Silva

City (State): Guarulhos (SP)

Position: 8

Category: 2017 Planted Tank – Amateur

Edition: CBAP 2017


Aquarium information

Volume: 180 liters

Dimensions: 100 x 45 x 40 cm (L x W x H)

Building time: 5 months

Filtering: 2 Eheim 2234 Ecco easy 60 Midias Eheim

Lightning: Luminária Hopar 4 lâmpadas T5 JBL 39W - 2 Natur, 1 Color, 1 Tropic Fotoperíodo: 7horas/dia

Substrate: ADA



Maintenance: Fertilização - Seachem Flourish 3 x por semana TPA - 3x por semana

Entry's grades

"It's a little more to the work level that can be evaluated. Learn more by seeing many natural landscapes and other excellent works. Looking forward to your next work in the future."

- Takayuki Fukada

"The creator working a lot on hardscape and plant arrangement, however, it is lack of focus"

- Gary Wu

"everything are good but centre part look a little bit complex."

- Wai Sun Chow

"Un acuario muy original y bonita disposición de las piedras, muy interesantes y con una textura preciosa. Una fotografía perfecta, con la disposición de un amplio y numeroso cardumen en el lugar adecuado, con mucha transmisión de movimiento. Enhorabuena, un magnífico trabajo."

- Juan Puchades Rufino