
Nome da inscrição: Arkuak


Aquarista: Javier Agüero

País: Argentina

Categoria: Melhor Aquário Estrangeiro 2023

Edição: CBAP 2023


Informações do aquário:

Volume: 243 litros

Dimensões: 120 x 45 x 45 cm (C x L x A)

Tempo de montagem: The aquarium was assembled on 1/1/2023 with dry start until 1/22/2023. The photo was taken on 5/23/2023. At the time of the photo, the aquarium was almost 5 months old. meses

Filtragem: 1x Hydor Professional 600 external filter. The filtering material consists of a thick sponge layer, a fine one and 3 layers with 4L of Micorbacter Lattice from Brightwell as biological filtration. 600 ML Purigen. 1x Atman Uf3400 UV external filter. The filtering material consists of 4 layers with 12L of Seachem Matrix as biological filtration. It also has 5Watts UV light.

Iluminação: 1 x Chihiros WRGB 120cm, 1 x Aqualumina Full Spectro 120cm

Substrato: Andesite rock from Cerro Negro quarry located in the province of Mendoza in Argentina, roots of Chañar rojo (Geoffroea decorticans) which is a shrub that grows in the Andes at 1000 meters above sea level, jarilla shrub wood also from the Argentine Andes. Fluval Stratum substrate for plantes tanks. Andesite rock gravel and ocher gravel from the Paraná river in the frontal part of the aquarium.



Manutenção: Weekly water changes of 50% with siphoning. Monthly filter cleaning (every month alternating the filter). Weekly fertilization routine with iron, potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus, florish, advance, from seachem. 5KG CO2 equipment with simple valve with Up-Aqua manometer and internal diffuser.

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