Nome da inscrição: CENOTE


Aquarista: Rennier Katigbak

Posição: 4

País: Filipinas

Categoria: Melhor Aquário Estrangeiro 2023

Edição: CBAP 2023


Informações do aquário:

Volume: 300 litros

Dimensões: 120 x 50 x 50 cm (C x L x A)

Tempo de montagem: 7 meses

Filtragem: Eheim 3, Dophin CF1200

Iluminação: Chihiros Vivid 2 AQ ledstar AQ-WS-60

Substrato: cosmetic sand



Manutenção: daily water change (5%) daily APT complete ferts (9ml)

Avaliações desta inscrição

"The Diorama setup like a view angle at the bottom of canyon, far end V shape form a cliff on both side covered by vegetation; middle ground hardscape like a small dam, water overflow from there. Light penetrate to shadow area and fish schooling towards same direction let viewer imagine something beyond the shaded area… and discover more by viewer."

- Gary Wu


The “cenote” in the title of this work is probably a layout theme that everyone, including myself, would like to try at least once. This attractive theme is well expressed through the skillful placement of stones. In particular, the contrast between the strong shadows of the looming rocks in the foreground and the bright space in the center is amazing, and the shadow running horizontally across the center makes this work even more impressive. The planting is a bit monotonous, so it would be a good idea to mix in more different plants.


- Takayuki Fukada