Cores no Horizonte

Nome da inscrição: Cores no Horizonte


Aquarista: Fabricio Rufino de Souza


Cidade (UF): São Roque (SP)

Equipe: BAU - Brazilian Aquascaping Union

Posição: 4

Categoria: Categoria Aquário Plantado acima de 200 litros

Edição: CBAP 2019


Cores no Horizonte
Informações do aquário:

Volume: 324 litros

Dimensões: 120 x 60 x 45 cm (C x L x A)

Tempo de montagem: 6 meses

Filtragem: Eheim Professional 3 2078 e Skim Eheim

Iluminação: Maxspect Razor 300w

Substrato: Amazônia MBreda



Manutenção: Fertilização diária MBreda e tpas de 50% 2x por semana

Avaliações desta inscrição

"Just by looking at this scape, great care was implemented to not only have a beautiful layout, but a healthy and thriving environment."

- Andrew Michael Senske

"The combination of many attractive curve clumps of rotalas with many colors, leaf sizes may made viewers stop by to enjoying it as slowly as possible. However, the most impression of this layout is creator use color of plants to lead the viewers go with him from foreground to the 'goldden point' of layout with many interesting detail on this 'way' sucessfully.    "

- Tran Hoang Long

"The planting type and color balance is very good. The arrangement of the rocks is also bold and I feel the skill of the producer. But the background is all filled with plants,so there should be a space in the middle."

- Takayuki Fukada

"Precioso montaje!! un ejemplo perfecto de como combinar bien las plantas. Felicidades!!"

- Balbi Vaquero

"Another masterpiece, this is a colorful layout, full of passion, well done. I think the creator spend a lot of time to maintain the back end stem plant grow rate, so to keep it bloom on the right timing."

- Gary Wu

"Wow!!! Colours are the main factor on this tank!!! I like it very much. This tank is focus to achieve the best conditions for the plants. I really think it is a clever idea to go this way!!! I Like it very much, really well done!!!"

- Juan Puchades Rufino