Dragon Wings

Nome da inscrição: Dragon Wings


Aquarista: Gustavo Pimenta

Cidade (UF): Rio de Janeiro (RJ)

Equipe: BAU - Brazilian Aquascaping Union

Posição: 1

Categoria: Categoria Aquário Plantado até 65 litros

Edição: CBAP 2023


Dragon Wings
Informações do aquário:

Volume: 64.8 litros

Dimensões: 60 x 40 x 27 cm (C x L x A)

Tempo de montagem: 3 meses

Filtragem: Ehein Ecco 2234

Iluminação: Chihiros wrgb2 60 cm

Substrato: Mbreda



Manutenção: 2x Tpa's na semana e fertilização completa Mbreda.

Avaliações desta inscrição

"Perfect placement of stones and lovely condition of plants, with the help of fish schooling toward front, all comes up a wonderful stream moving view!"

- Dave Chow

"This layout almost in mature stage with proper pruned. Red and green stem plant on background blooming on time. The ratio of densed vegetation more than back end open space, If raise the water surface a bit could better balance the open area."

- Gary Wu

"This is a typical layout but complete in very good quality with perfect plant choice, fish choice, with wonderful color mixed. Let's try some challenge of hardscape work to level up it to the top next year"

- long tran


This is a very colorful layout that perfectly expresses the charm of plants. The overall composition is also solid, and the balance between the size of the driftwood on the left and right, and the flow of the driftwood growing upwards are perfect. It is already a fairly complete work, but if you want to make it even more perfect, you extend the tip of the driftwood extending to the upper left corner of the aquarium a little more, it will give a more powerful impression.


- Takayuki Fukada