Forest Silence

Nome da inscrição: Forest Silence


Aquarista: Dorin Romaniuc

Posição: 10

País: Reino Unido

Categoria: Melhor Aquário Estrangeiro 2023

Edição: CBAP 2023


Forest Silence
Forest Silence
Forest Silence
Informações do aquário:

Volume: 243 litros

Dimensões: 120 x 45 x 45 cm (C x L x A)

Tempo de montagem: 30.10.21-24.05.23 meses

Filtragem: Eheim 1x 2080, 1x2078

Iluminação: 2x Life Aqua Master Pro

Substrato: Prodibio AquaGrowth Soil



Manutenção: 2 times/week

Avaliações desta inscrição

"A good forest composition, the background red and yellow part like autumn look, foreground just a normal forest. Right hand foreground part not comprehensive yet. To enrich this layout, try decorate this portion more."

- Gary Wu

"Based on a very typical 'forest style' layout, creator use super strong color of aquatic plant to make it become one of the most attractive layout of the year, congratulations"

- long tran


The use of green in the foreground and red in the background to create stem plants is amazing beautiful. The fish also fits well with this layout and the swimming position is also perfect. If I had to be greedy, it would be even better if the space in the vanishing point area was expanded a little to make the scenery look more open.


- Takayuki Fukada