The Mystical Island

Nome da inscrição: The Mystical Island


Aquarista: Renan Selingardi do Amaral

Cidade (UF): São Paulo (SP)

Equipe: ALT - Aquabase Layout Team

Posição: 3

Categoria: Categoria Aquário Plantado acima de 200 litros

Edição: CBAP 2019


The Mystical Island
The Mystical Island
The Mystical Island
Informações do aquário:

Volume: 270 litros

Dimensões: 120 x 50 x 45 cm (C x L x A)

Tempo de montagem: 5 meses

Filtragem: 2 x Canister Eheim Ecco Pro 2236 e 1 x Canister Eheim Classic 600

Iluminação: 4 x Fluor T5HO 54W JBL Color

Substrato: Full ADA System: Aquasoil Amazonia, Power Sand Special M, e Tourmaline BC



Manutenção: TPA de 2 vezes por semana de 25%, poda a cada cerca de 15 dias e escovação de rochas a cada 20 dias.

Avaliações desta inscrição

"Great balance between the layout, plants, and fauna. Though, the originality of the sand path that crosses through the center has been overdone by many."

- Andrew Michael Senske

"The owner are created a masterpiece aquarium sucessfully with almost perfect layout from general view to any minor details. Viewers may take a lot of time to enjoy it because every parts of this layout is a part of nature with different stories"

- Tran Hoang Long

"First of all,the overall impression is very beautiful and well maintained. The arrangement of the rocks is great and gives this work its strength. The only disappointment is that the foreground planting is a bit messy."

- Takayuki Fukada

"Espectacular trabajo de rocas!! Una de las cosas que mas me gusta de este concurso es que ademas de la foto final en ocasiones tenemos posibilidad de ver el hardscape y sin duda es algo que valoro muchisimo ya que ves el set up " al desnudo" en muchas ocasiones el plantado resta detalle a este estilo de montajes, pero en este caso es todo lo contrario el plantado contribuye a favor si duda. Bien hecho felicidades!!"

- Balbi Vaquero

"A harmonized layout, the plant condition is good, the hardscape structure is a bit complex, if it could follow the perspective relation, that would have a better focus point."

- Gary Wu

"Wow!! High impact, high power!!! This great tank has the touch of the brazilian style with a huge power on his hardscape. Maybe I feel a bit sense of deja vu and that is not the best in originality scores. Amazing, very well done!!"

- Juan Puchades Rufino