Wind Of Change

Nome da inscrição: Wind Of Change


Aquarista: Leonardo Miranda

Cidade (UF): Atibaia (SP)

Equipe: ALT - Aquabase Layout Team

Posição: 9

Categoria: Categoria Aquário Plantado acima de 200 litros

Edição: CBAP 2019


Wind Of Change
Informações do aquário:

Volume: 225 litros

Dimensões: 100 x 50 x 45 cm (C x L x A)

Tempo de montagem: 4 meses meses

Filtragem: 2 canisters jbl

Iluminação: T5 4 lâmpadas

Substrato: ADA Amazonia



Manutenção: Semanal, Fertilizantes Seachem

Avaliações desta inscrição

"Placements of plants creates a balance between each other, giving a great transition from the front to the back. However, the overwhelming number of fish is a bit distracting."

- Andrew Michael Senske

"This typical layout is complete in very high qualiy. However, if plants in both rear sides of layout more healthier, this layout much more better"

- Tran Hoang Long

"Beautiful layout well organized throughout. The more powerful this work is,the better it will be. To do this,you should show more rock shadows and increase contrast."

- Takayuki Fukada

"A nice snap shot of the nature, I like the vegetation arrangement, it spread from far end to the front."

- Gary Wu

"Thats a nice and healthy tank, with a nice flow and vivid colours. I would preffer a bit less of green colour in the centar, maybe some sand or stones to brake the monotony on that side. Great job!!!"

- Juan Puchades Rufino