Yakushima forest

Nome da inscrição: Yakushima forest


Aquarista: Fernando Moraes

Cidade (UF): OSASCO (SP)

Equipe: BAU - Brazilian Aquascaping Union

Posição: 1

Categoria: Categoria Aquário Plantado acima de 65 litros até 200 litros

Edição: CBAP 2023


Yakushima forest
Informações do aquário:

Volume: 162 litros

Dimensões: 90 x 45 x 40 cm (C x L x A)

Tempo de montagem: 6 meses meses

Filtragem: Canister Eheim Classic 2217

Iluminação: 2 Chihiros Série X

Substrato: Amazonia Mbreda Areia cosmética Lá plata ADA



Manutenção: Fertilização Mbreda Fertilização diária alternado entre micro e macro nutrientes tpa 2x na semana de 40%

Avaliações desta inscrição

"This lovely scape with a very special arrangement of driftwood, with perfect selection of plants it come up a gorgeous scape. I think it may be very hard to maintenance."

- Dave Chow

"If ignore the most left reflection part, the layout looks more comprehensive. As from an ideal golden ratio perspective arrangement, this layout should from far end top left open area to bottom right foreground. The left hand reflection part become redundant."

- Gary Wu


As a Japanese person, I am very happy that this author chose “Yakushima” as their theme. This layout has an amazing expression of the area in the center where many thin pieces of driftwood intersect, making it very unique and beautiful. Speaking of greed, the white sand area in the foreground looks a little bit messy, so I'd like it to be cleaned up.


- Takayuki Fukada

"special effects by fish and small driftwood in focus point made this layout become outstanding with true underwater feeling"

- long tran